Privacy Policy
Braun Ink Use of Information
BRAUN INK WEBSITE VISITORS: Braun Ink does not collect or use the personal information of anyone visiting our site unless we ask permission for the information and the website visitor explicitly gives permission.
BRAUN INK MAILING LIST SIGN-UP: Anyone who signs up for our mailing list(s) will receive from us periodic e-mails. Subscribers to our periodic updates may unsubscribe anytime.
BRAUN INK CUSTOMERS: Anyone who purchases product from Braun Ink is, first of all, to be thanked – thank you!—and is required to enter e-mail information. Braun Ink retains the e-mail, address, and name customers provide but DOES NOT use this information for any purpose other than to fulfill the order. However, customers who do not uncheck the “sign me up for your e-mails” box at check-out will receive our periodic e-mail updates, information, and special offers. Subscribers may unsubscribe anytime.
Braun Ink takes privacy concerns seriously. Website visitors and customers who have concerns about the Braun Ink privacy policy should please contact us at